Issues I Will Stand Up For :

Immigration issues

I will work on issues touching immigrants and come up with better refugee resettlement plan. I will campaign for all immigrants to be eligible for Medicaid, and access public education. I will also propose to local and federal government to increase government budgets to cater for legal migrants.

Take intuitive steps to reduce gun violence.

I will propose sensible gun laws to reduce access of harmful weapons. I will also advocate for establishment of gun safety culture like mandatory training, secure gun storage and licensing for owners. I will support gun violence research and contact community healing to prevent trauma in the society.

Improve access to quality healthcare.

I will work to implement and improve healthcare reform (including on Obama care) so that the world's best healthcare system continues to develop. Ensure healthcare access in rural areas and prevention of homelessness.

Committed to reducing poverty and increasing development.

I will be committed to reduce poverty in Texas through policies and supporting economic security programs such as tax credits, social security food and housing assistance to ameliorate short-term poverty as well as increase Texas development. I will also ensure equity in development in my region.

Abortion law.

Any law that takes away women's right to make decisions about their bodies will be opposed by me. I will stand with abortion advocates, abortion providers, and Texan women fighting for their rights. I will never stop fighting to get Texans the health care they need, including abortion care.

Efforts to decrease household disparities.

I will invest heavily in education as a strategy to reduce income disparity. I will also campaign for redistributive tax policies, increment of minimum wage and expand the earned income tax credit.

Defending minorities' rights.

I will advocate for promotion and protection of minority rights. This protection will not be limited to persons belonging to ethnic, linguistic, and religious minorities. I will be actively work with the United Nations Human Rights Programme (UNHRP) to effectively use existing international mechanisms and protect rights of minorities in Texas.

Empowering women and protecting their rights.

Empowering female gender will be my first priority. My main focus in women will be economic security and leadership. I will support economic security initiative (such as Taxa’s women Foundation) to move female gender from surviving to thriving. I will ensure that I build a culture in our state where women participate in leadership at any level. I will achieve this by shaping policies and practices which will increase women in leadership positions.

Towards progressive taxation.

Current tax system in Texas (Regressive tax system) is creating problems since it is inadequate and unfair to business. Therefore I will campaign for progressive income tax since it has many benefits such as its less regressive, ensures tax equity, and lowers other tax rates.

Support an increase in the minimum wage.

In Texas, the minimum wage is tied to the federal minimum wage ($7.25 per hour) unlike most of states. I will Support an increase in the minimum wage to at least $10.4 per hour like New York.

Work to end social injustice.

I will work hard to ensure democratic rights such as voting are respected. I understand Texas is diverse therefore I will ensure I end racial injustice and act on current refugee crisis.

Make education a priority.

Several problem face education sector in Texas. Some notable issues low teacher pay, issues of public schools funding, unequal distribution of resources and quality of teachers. Therefore, I will invest heavily on equitable public schools and strengthen teacher work force.

Support policies that reduce climate change.

Climate change is Global threat and as a leader I will adopt exiting measures put by current federal government and climate measures adopted by previous Obama’s administration.