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Our Political Goals
To debate political objectives, views, and goals is the most American thing conceivable - Lou Reed
Reduce Poverty, Increase Development
I will be committed to reduce poverty in Texas through policies and supporting economic security
Quality Healthcare
I will work to implement and improve healthcare reform (including on Obama care) so that the world's
Immigration issues
I will work on issues touching immigrants and come up with better refugee resettlement plan
Empowering women
Empowering female gender will be my first priority. My main focus in women will be economic

Defending minorities' rights
I will advocate for promotion and protection of minority rights. This protection will not be limited
Reduce gun violence
I will propose sensible gun laws to reduce access of harmful weapons. I will also advocate for
Household disparity
I will invest heavily in education as a strategy to reduce income disparity. I will also campaign
Social Justice
I will work hard to ensure democratic rights such as voting are respected. I understand Texas

ME and YOU, Let's make Texas BLUE